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STARC PhD students Meghna Desai and Mahmoud Mardini chaired a session entitled "Archaeological Sciences: Using Diversified Science Methods in Archaeology at the "CASA" Cambridge Conference.

In 12 papers from students across the globe, from China to South Africa, this session aimed to promote a collaborative model by welcoming topics that build archaeological narratives through a multitude of methods, including metallurgy, lithics studies, geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology, human osteoarchaeology, and archaeobotany. Among the speakers were also another two STARC students, Anna Karligkioti and Kyriaki Tsirtsi.

CASA, the Cambridge Annual Student Archaeology Conference, has been organised annually since 2017, and this year runs over four days with 8 thematic sessions and more than 100 presentations.

The collaboration between the University of Cambridge, the Cyprus Institute and the KU Leuven in the H2020 Promised project forms the perfect backdrop to this student-driven activity and showcases the academic breadth and diversity of CyI’s PhD programme.

CASA spotlight