Bio-Promised aims at enhancing the bioarchaeological research activities and capabilities at the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of the Cyprus Institute through the recruitment of an early-stage researcher as lab assistant.

Bio-Promised will complement the initiatives of the H2020 Twinning Project ‘Promised – Promoting Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean’ (Grant agreement 811068), which, as a Support and Coordination Action, aims at building research and education capacity at STARC but does not provide funding for the implementation of research initiatives.

The laboratory assistant will contribute to archaeobotanical work in the field and in the laboratory (flotation, residue sorting, plant macro-remains sorting, sample preparation for phytolith and starch extraction), as well as to human osteoarchaeological research (preparation of dental casts for microwear analysis).

Most importantly, the new STARC member will contribute to the development of digital open-access reference collections for archaeobotany and human osteoarchaeology, which will form an invaluable resource not just for STARC but for the broader region and beyond.

This work was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation COMPLEMENTARY/0916/0042 

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